葉賀璞 是個擁有多重身份的吉(脊)他手,在他從布魯塞爾音樂院畢業(yè)成為爵士音樂家之前,他畢業(yè)于清華大學電機系。而在他任教于臺南藝術大學應用音樂系的教師之后,他學習了新專長成為整脊師,此外,他經營粉絲專頁:爵士負能量,頗受好評,為爵士樂推廣做出很大的貢獻。從葉賀璞的音樂中,你能夠感受到多重個性,是一場多層次的聽覺響宴。 Hope Yeh is a multi faceted guitarist, who became a jazzman after obtaining a degree in electrical engineering from National Tsing Hua University and graduating from The Royal Conservatory of Brussels. He has since become a teacher at the Department of Applied Music in the Tainan National University of the Arts and he even added another string to his bow by training as a chiropractor. On the side, he manages the celebrated fan page Jazz Negative Force, which contributes to promoting jazz music. Hope’s music draws upon his broad and varied life experience to develop multiple layers of emotion with the audience and share his depth of expression.