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歌手:H.I.M 所屬專輯:Uneasy Listening Vol. 1 歌曲:Lose you tonight (Thulsa Doom extended Dub) mp3 Lose you tonight (Thulsa Doom extended Dub) H.I.M歌詞 歌詞出處:5nd音樂網(wǎng)http://amazonairdrones.com/ting/98158.html
1The Sacrament (Disrythm Remix)
2The Funeral of Hearts (Accoustic Version)
3Join me in Death (Stronroom Mix)
4Close to the Flame (The Kapulla Tapes)
5In Joy and Sorrow (String Version)
6It’s all Tears (Unplugged Radio Live)
7When Love and Death Embrace (AOR Radio Mix)
8Buried alive by Love (Deliverance Version)
9Gone with the Sin (O.D. Version)
10Salt in our Wounds (Thulsa Doom Version)
Uneasy Listening Vol. 1
1It’s all Tears (Unplugged Radio Live)
2Please don’t let it go (Accoustic Version)
3For You (Unplugged Radio Live)
4When Love and Death Embrace (AOR Radio Mix)
5Join me in Death (Stronroom Mix)
6Close to the Flame (The Kapulla Tapes)
7The Funeral of Hearts (Accoustic Version)
8Salt in our Wounds (Thulsa Doom Version)
9The Path (P.S. Version)
10In Joy and Sorrow (String Version)
特別聲名:本頁不提供H.I.M的歌曲 Lose you tonight (Thulsa Doom extended Dub)試聽,您可以進入Lose you tonight (Thulsa Doom extended Dub) 歌詞 頁面查看 H.I.M演唱的歌曲Lose you tonight (Thulsa Doom extended Dub)歌詞。如果您喜歡 H.I.M 歌曲 Lose you tonight (Thulsa Doom extended Dub) 請您購買正版CD。